There is nothing more frustrating than seeing a pretty woman but not being able to go up to her because you don't know how to approach girls. Everybody always says to act confident and everybody always says to be yourself. It's easy to say these things but very difficult to put them into action when the stunning blonde in standing right there.
The key is planning. Be prepared. Think of what you are going to say before you are on the spot. Here are 3 great tips to help you avoid getting shot down.
Make eye contact first. Don't be that creep that appears from nowhere. Find a way to catch her eye, and here's the essential part, smile. The first impression we make is the most important. Make sure yours is a good one. Our bodies have a natural response to a smiling face, hopefully, if things are going well, her heart will beat a little quicker. This is more likely if you look clean and well groomed so check your appearance first. Don't approach her immediately, wait a few seconds. Then go forward. If she glances back after the initial look, than that's even better.
Compliment their hair or clothes especially if they've made an effort. A great way to initiate a conversation is to compliment something she has put a lot of work into. If she's carrying an unusual bag, mention that. If her hair looks great, say so. If she's wearing an adorable dress or shoes or piece of jewelry than ask about those. Never tell her how good looking she is at first. You will come across as desperate, superficial and she will have heard it a million times from every other guy who thinks he's Casanova. The time to compliment her looks will come but don't imitate the conversation with it.
Never ask a question with a yes or no answer. The key to getting the conversation flowing is to get her to respond to your questions. One word answers don't help at all. For example, if there's a band playing or music at the bar, don't ask her "do you like the music?" It's way too easy for her to say no and brush you off. Instead ask her "What do you think of the music?". It's just a slight rewording of the question, but she will have to respond with a sentence or two. Remember, she may be just as nervous as you are and will jump at the chance to fill the air with her thoughts. The key now is to listen to what she says, and ask more open ended questions based on what her replies are. Before you know it you will have been speaking for 5 minutes and you will have achieved your goal.
There are a few key secrets to getting a woman. There are also lots of techniques that can help. Use these 3 tips and you will have a better idea how to flirt with girls.
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