Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to Approach Girls - 3 Sure Fire Ways to Start a Conversation

There is nothing more frustrating than seeing a pretty woman but not being able to go up to her because you don't know how to approach girls. Everybody always says to act confident and everybody always says to be yourself. It's easy to say these things but very difficult to put them into action when the stunning blonde in standing right there.

The key is planning. Be prepared. Think of what you are going to say before you are on the spot. Here are 3 great tips to help you avoid getting shot down.

Make eye contact first. Don't be that creep that appears from nowhere. Find a way to catch her eye, and here's the essential part, smile. The first impression we make is the most important. Make sure yours is a good one. Our bodies have a natural response to a smiling face, hopefully, if things are going well, her heart will beat a little quicker. This is more likely if you look clean and well groomed so check your appearance first. Don't approach her immediately, wait a few seconds. Then go forward. If she glances back after the initial look, than that's even better.

Compliment their hair or clothes especially if they've made an effort. A great way to initiate a conversation is to compliment something she has put a lot of work into. If she's carrying an unusual bag, mention that. If her hair looks great, say so. If she's wearing an adorable dress or shoes or piece of jewelry than ask about those. Never tell her how good looking she is at first. You will come across as desperate, superficial and she will have heard it a million times from every other guy who thinks he's Casanova. The time to compliment her looks will come but don't imitate the conversation with it.

Never ask a question with a yes or no answer. The key to getting the conversation flowing is to get her to respond to your questions. One word answers don't help at all. For example, if there's a band playing or music at the bar, don't ask her "do you like the music?" It's way too easy for her to say no and brush you off. Instead ask her "What do you think of the music?". It's just a slight rewording of the question, but she will have to respond with a sentence or two. Remember, she may be just as nervous as you are and will jump at the chance to fill the air with her thoughts. The key now is to listen to what she says, and ask more open ended questions based on what her replies are. Before you know it you will have been speaking for 5 minutes and you will have achieved your goal.

There are a few key secrets to getting a woman. There are also lots of techniques that can help. Use these 3 tips and you will have a better idea how to flirt with girls.

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that happy, successful men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit

How to Flirt With Girls - 3 Ways to Keep a Woman Interested

It is so frustrating watching the same guys going up to the hot women. They seem to know a secret - how to flirt with girls. They look natural, calm and as if it's something they've known how to do forever. The good news is that you can learn. You can get better at it. Here are 3 ways to keep a woman interested in you no matter what you look like.

Touch her. A great way to get a girls attention is to gently lay a friendly hand on her. The key is to be totally natural. If you both laughing at a joke tapping her arm would be good. If someone is trying to get past her, a guiding hand on her back can work wonderfully. It's essential not to be creepy. Don't squeeze or stroke her. Don't make it feel weird. Absolutely nothing that could be misconstrued as a sexual advance until you know she's into you and would welcome it. Your touch will be enough. The warmth of your body against her will make her feel very special and this is the key to all flirting.

Act with Confidence. Since the dawn of human kind men have been the hunters and woman the gatherers. It is in our physical makeup; in our DNA. It may seem unfair but unfortunately many women expect men to chase them down. That means men will have to approach women most of the time. There's no point in complaining about it because it's not a conscious decision we make, it is ingrained across time. Make her think you know what you are doing and are going to get it. On the other hand there is a fine line between confidence and cockiness. Humility makes a big difference, so always be polite, accept rejection with dignity but be persistent. Remember, you are a hunter, don't give up!

Make her laugh. I know, easier said than done! The fact is though, she's probably just as nervous as you are. If you can break the ice with a joke or funny story then you are halfway there. Unless you are really good at it though avoid those pick up lines you read on the internet. They never work, and she's probably heard them all already. Self depreciating jokes are great. Maybe ask a question about her clothes, where she got them from. Ask her if they'd look good on you? It's unexpected and shows you have the confidence to laugh at yourself.

Some guys are born with the ability to do this naturally and without any trouble. Most of us have to learn through trial and error, persistence and getting shot down a lot! You can learn some great flirting tips for guys that will make all the difference.

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that happy men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit

Flirting Tips For Guys - Hidden Ways to Get Her to Like You

Don't you hate watching those guys effortlessly going up to any girl and getting her interested in him just by a few minutes of chatting? There are some flirting tips for guys that can make you much more popular and will help you to persuade her to like you. It is something that you have to work at, but the pay off is huge. Being able to walk up to any woman keeping her interested is worth any effort. And it's your non-verbal communication that is the most important. It's the great secret of the dating game.

Read her body language. Does she look happy? Does she look defensive? Does she look annoyed? Choosing when to approach is one of the most important things to know. If you time it so that she looks ready she is way more likely to enjoy the conversation and not turn you down.

Eye contact is essential. Let her know that you are interested in her before you approach. The she won't be surprised when you go over to talk with her. Don't be the creepy guy that suddenly arrives from nowhere wanting to hit on the girl. Make sure she sees you and don't break contact. If she looks back, even better

Smile. The human face is much more attractive when we smile. Studies have proven that other people respond better to our suggestions if we look happy. Improve her mood by projecting yours. Make sure it's a genuine smile reflected in your eyes but don't over do it. Looking natural is key.

Body mirroring. Copying her body language will create trust. If she has her hands on her hips put yours there too. If she has one foot forward, step forwards yourself. It is a technique used by the world's great salesmen and you are trying to sell your self.

Touch. Another great way to create a connection is to touch her. Use non-sexual locations like the arm or back and be sure to be gentle and non-creepy. The warmth of your skin against hers will make her remember you. Touch is so much more memorable than just seeing or hearing.

There are a few key secrets to getting a woman. Remember most of our communication is done non-verbally so watch how you present yourself. There are also lots of other techniques that can help. Use these to work out what women want from men and you will have more luck with the ladies.

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that successful, happy men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit

What Women Want From Men - Avoid Rejection Forever With These Secret Tips

Dating can be a minefield these days. It is so easy to wonder what women want from men Does she want me to open the door or not? Should I pay for the first date?

The modern world is so complicated that rules that used to work decades ago no longer have any meaning. However we are all hard wired by our genetics to have certain urges and feelings. If you can get a handle on these ideas then you'll have a better idea of what makes her tick.

Women are nurtures. Biologically women are the more caring, gentle half of mankind. They are, of course, also the mothering half. While they respect the hunting men they also want vulnerability. Once you have imitated a conversation showing a chink in your armor can spark her sensitive side. Let slip a recent injury, maybe a recent breakup or an embarrassing failure at work. She is hard wired to be compassionate. Make sure not to complain or whine about your "weakness". The key is not to irritate her but to appear slightly defenseless and open for her to offer help. She wants you to expose a little of yourself to her.

Women want to feel special. It's a biological fact that females carry the unborn children to term and it's an historical fact that for most of humankind's existence women have looked after the children once they are born. This places them in a vulnerable position. They are relying on men to protect and provide for them while they rear the next generation. These urges have not disappeared now that gender roles are not so easily defined. She wants you to make her feel safe and sheltered. Convince her that there is nobody else for you. Make sure she knows that she is irreplaceable. She wants reassurance that when the saber tooth tiger comes to the mouth of the cave you will be there to defend her. Even if it is only metaphorically these days.

Despite our fancy computers and SUV's we are all basically the same as our caveman ancestors. Our base human emotions haven't changed that much. Our traditions, protocols, and what society expects from us may change but deep down the same things are driving our behavior. Use this knowledge to help navigate today's dating minefield. It will help you work out how to start a conversation with a girl.

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that successful, happy men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit

How to Start a Conversation With a Girl - 3 Secrets For Success

Everybody has been there; you've finally managed to walk up to the girl of your dreams and you are ready to open your mouth and knock her over with your wit and great sense of humor but instead, there's nothing. Your mind is completely blank. She thinks you are an idiot and you lose your chance forever.

The key is to think like a boy scout. Be prepared. Come up with something to get the conversation going before you approach. Use your eyes. What is it about herself that you think she'd like to talk about? Here are some ideas.

Never use a pre-packaged pick up line (seriously). Despite what you see on TV, hear from your friends or read on the internet these pick up lines don't work. What looks hilarious and witty on the screen will sound corny and desperate. There are very few original lines out there and unless she's very young, most probably she will have heard them all before. The possible exception is if you are funny. If you can deliver a line well, and convince her that you don't really mean it, you may still get a laugh. The line won't get a conversation started so be sure to have something else to bring up in the back of your mind

Compliment something special about her and ask an open question. If she has a special outfit on or a fancy pair of shoes don't tell her "Hi, I really like that T-shirt". It's way too easy for her to say thanks, and then for both of you to stand there looking at each other like a couple of dummies. Instead ask her where she got that great T-shirt or what the special occasion is that has her looking so great? Giving her your opinion of her bag, even if it is positive is a big mistake. Another thing to avoid is a yes/no question. Make sure he answer will lead to a further question and you'll be set.

Be a listener. It's a great idea to start up a natural conversation about a topic you're both interested in, or failing that, one that she is interested in. Humans like to talk about themselves so use this to your advantage. Concentrate on what she's saying and ask more questions about what she has mentioned. Don't talk too much about yourself, instead get her to tell you about herself. It's amazing what our brains do in these situations, if we are prompted to discuss our own interests we often think the other person is very engaging. She will get the impression that you are caring and compassionate and somebody she'd like to talk to again.

If you plan ahead, you never need to face that awful feeling of having nothing to say. Work out what she'd like to talk about and get to it. It's the easiest way so now you'll never wonder how to approach girls again.

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that happy, successful men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit

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