Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to Start a Conversation With a Girl - 3 Secrets For Success

Everybody has been there; you've finally managed to walk up to the girl of your dreams and you are ready to open your mouth and knock her over with your wit and great sense of humor but instead, there's nothing. Your mind is completely blank. She thinks you are an idiot and you lose your chance forever.

The key is to think like a boy scout. Be prepared. Come up with something to get the conversation going before you approach. Use your eyes. What is it about herself that you think she'd like to talk about? Here are some ideas.

Never use a pre-packaged pick up line (seriously). Despite what you see on TV, hear from your friends or read on the internet these pick up lines don't work. What looks hilarious and witty on the screen will sound corny and desperate. There are very few original lines out there and unless she's very young, most probably she will have heard them all before. The possible exception is if you are funny. If you can deliver a line well, and convince her that you don't really mean it, you may still get a laugh. The line won't get a conversation started so be sure to have something else to bring up in the back of your mind

Compliment something special about her and ask an open question. If she has a special outfit on or a fancy pair of shoes don't tell her "Hi, I really like that T-shirt". It's way too easy for her to say thanks, and then for both of you to stand there looking at each other like a couple of dummies. Instead ask her where she got that great T-shirt or what the special occasion is that has her looking so great? Giving her your opinion of her bag, even if it is positive is a big mistake. Another thing to avoid is a yes/no question. Make sure he answer will lead to a further question and you'll be set.

Be a listener. It's a great idea to start up a natural conversation about a topic you're both interested in, or failing that, one that she is interested in. Humans like to talk about themselves so use this to your advantage. Concentrate on what she's saying and ask more questions about what she has mentioned. Don't talk too much about yourself, instead get her to tell you about herself. It's amazing what our brains do in these situations, if we are prompted to discuss our own interests we often think the other person is very engaging. She will get the impression that you are caring and compassionate and somebody she'd like to talk to again.

If you plan ahead, you never need to face that awful feeling of having nothing to say. Work out what she'd like to talk about and get to it. It's the easiest way so now you'll never wonder how to approach girls again.

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