Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to Approach a Woman - Increase Your Chances of Successfully Meeting Girls

Knowing how to approach a woman seems so obvious; you just walk up and start talking. Of course it is more complicated than that. Wondering if she likes you, hoping you won't make a fool of yourself, there really is no more nerve racking part of dating than making that very first move when you've spotted her across the room.

There are some things to remember before you give up completely. These tips will massively increase your chances of success and there are lots more techniques available in the links below.

First of all, pick your time. Make sure she looks receptive, hopefully she's smiling. If she's just got off the phone, having lost her job and found out her grandmother has passed away then it won't make the slightest bit off difference whatever you do. She won't be interested.

Try and make your move when she's not in a big group, that way you will be approaching just her and not a bunch of her intimidating friends. People act a lot different when they are alone and not trying to show off to anyone. She may be a lot more responsive by herself.

Try to make eye contact before you walk up to her. This is for a couple of reasons, if she holds your eye contact, smiles or looks away and then looks back these are all great signs that she's interested in you too. You'll also give her some warning that you're approaching. You definitely don't want to be that creepy guy who sneaks up out of nowhere, she'll turn you down on instinct alone.

Make sure your personal hygiene is top notch. First impressions make a huge difference, so if your smell precedes you than you probably don't have much hope. You have your own look so no appearance advice but no-one like sweaty or dirty people.

If you've taken care of all the rest of these tips, then all that remains is to take a deep breath, pull your shoulders back and walk on up. She's probably just as nervous as you are so don't be too worried. Even if she's not into you the vast majority of people are polite and won't want to make a scene so the worst that can happen is she'll say no, there's plenty of other fish in the sea.

But if you follow these tips and all the others in the attached links then things have a very good chance of going well. Once you get over the initial fear of not knowing how to approach a woman you find it's not that bad at all and now you know how to attract girls

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that happy men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit

Chatting Up Women the Easy Way - Secrets For Success

I know how you feel; it's frustrating seeing those guys who are naturally great around girls chatting up women so effortlessly. That's natural, I felt the same way. Luckily, I found the secrets that mean you don't need to ever again go home by yourself if you don't want to. You don't have to be envious anymore. With a little practice, and with the right tips and techniques, it can be you.

Here are a few of the things I've learned so far.

The key to success with women is spending lots of time with them. It's very hard to get lucky if you can't keep a girl interested long enough for them to have an emotional reaction to you.

If you are lucky enough to be very good looking or have a great body than that might be enough to get her juices flowing, otherwise, for the rest of us, we're going to have to rely on our flirting and conversation skills.

It's not enough to just walk up to the object of your desire and just start babbling at her. You'll look like a fool, and she'll have a really bad first impression of you. First, do some planning, work out what your strategies are, think up some things to talk about and wait for the right moment. Making eye contact first is great, and especially so if she looks at you to see if you're noticing her.

Now that you've got a good feeling about your chances with someone, here are a few things to get straightened out in your head.

How to break the ice - this is essential for making a good impression. Pick up lines you read on the internet won't work, unless you are funny enough to make them hilarious. What you really want is something that will initiate a conversation, a topic that will get her talking. Comments about her clothes or stuff going on around you are great for this.

Keep the conversation going - don't ask yes or no questions, make sure that she replies in sentence form. You can then ask another question about her answer. "What do you think of...", rather than "Do you like...".

What to do if things slow down. If you're struggling for conversation, take a break. Buying her a drink is a great idea at this point, you get a few minutes to think of what to say and get her tipsy as well!

Chatting up women is a skill that takes practice, but you can short cut your way to success by having a really good teacher or mentor helping you along the way. Now you know how to approach a woman

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that happy men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit

Should You Try a Guide to Picking Up Women - And Do They Work?

You're probably wondering if there's such a thing as a guide to picking up women, and if there is, does it work? The answer, undoubtedly, to both questions, is yes and it may be even better than you can imagine.

Dating is the same as any skill, it can be taught, and if you put into practice what you've learnt, then it can be mastered. Some guys are lucky; they are born with that mixture of good looks, confidence and money that means they don't need to put any effort in. For the rest of us though, we need a way to emerge from the crowd.

Be honest with yourself, are considerably better looking than your peers? Do you have a lot more money? Are you famous or a celebrity? If you answered no to these questions and are having trouble meeting girls or talking to the ones you want to then a step by step guide that means you can influence the way women think about you may be essential.

A good guide will delve into the psychological reasons for why a particular recommendation works. Medical studies of the way the female brain works, and countless anecdotes prove that it's possible to influence the way they make a decision. If you can improve her responses to you then that can only be a good thing for your dating chances.

Scientific studies certainly have their place but equally important is how the author presents this work. I put more trust into guides written by women, they know what works because it has worked on them. Perhaps more importantly, they know what doesn't work.

The confidence you gain on the dating circuit by using techniques that work can also be used in every other facet of your life. The same methods that will convince a girl to give you her number will also work when negotiating for a raise or trying to get out of a speeding ticket. This is why a good guide for picking up women can be more valuable then you realize.

You may feel a bit skeptical at the moment, when I first tried out these products I felt the same way. But I found that they pass the biggest test, they actually worked. I was better at chatting up women that I was way too scared to ever approach before and I also had much more confidence through the rest of my life.

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that happy men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit

How to Get a Hot Girl Every Night - Using a Sure Fire Pick-Up Technique

If you want to know how to get a hot girl when ever you want than this article will be critical for your success. Here, I will reveal the secret that every single man who wants an attractive girl should know. And it's the technique that every pick up artist or player uses, because it works.

The biggest secret isn't even a secret at all. The key to achieving the results you want in the dating scene is perseverance. It's a numbers game.

There are tons of other tips and techniques that will help you score the lady you want. However if you allow yourself to become dejected after an encounter doesn't go so well, lose your confidence and take yourself out of the game, whether it's for a few minutes of even the rest of the night, then you will be missing out on your potential.

I know how it feels. It's frustrating watching other guys, who aren't as good as you seem to consistently do better. For some reason they get the girl while you end up getting the cab back home with the same bunch of loser friends as last time and the time before that. A bad experience can shake your confidence and really ruin a night out.

Recently I met this guy. It used to take him hours and lots of drinks to get the courage up to speak to a single girl. Because he built things up and worried himself silly thinking about everything that could go wrong, these conversations would often not go very well. The knock backs would crush him, and once again he'd head to the back to the bar, keep drinking and head home alone.

After lots of practice though, and using the guides you can see in the links below, he came to realize that flirting and pick-ups mean nothing in themselves. The best way to respond is to move onto the next one and try again. Practice makes perfect.

As soon as his confidence was lifted just enough he soon started going out with an awesome woman and they're still together. He doesn't need to be with her though if he doesn't want to because he found the secret to success. Try and try again.

There are lots of handy tips around if you want to know how to pick up hot girls, the best I've see are in the links below. However the most important secret is to develop your confidence, and use the tricks you've learned often. Don't get beaten down. For lots more info you might consider a guide to picking up women.

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that happy and successful men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit

How to Attract Girls - What's the Number 1 Trait That Gets the Most Women?

How to Attract Girls - What's the Number 1 Trait That Gets the Most Women?
By Steven N Miller

There are guys that seem to have a magic trick. Somehow, despite seemingly having nothing special they know the secret for how to attract girls. We all know them and wonder what they do that makes all the difference. If you watch them for a while, or ask women afterward what their difference is, one word is always repeated, again and again. Confidence.

It takes self assurance to go up to the girl initially and get the conversation going. It takes belief to tell that joke and get her laughing. It takes conviction to ask for her number after just a few minutes of flirting.

So is it possible to learn or develop the trait that is the most important part of meeting women, establishing good relationships with them and eventually closing the deal?

Thankfully yes. Many of the most poised guys you see effortlessly chatting to beautiful ladies were just as tongue tied and awkward as you are. There are a couple of ways you can develop confidence and they managed to discover them, whether they stumbled upon them for them selves or were taught.

It may take some balls to get things rolling though. At some point you just have to suck it up and go for it. Practice positive thinking. If you are convinced something is going to work, whether it is a long jump shot, a new job or approaching that cute girl who's just given you a second glance and a smile then you are starting with a much better chance.

Avoid negative people especially when around the lady you like. There may be teasing or unhelpful comments and these can put you in a bad mood. Delay your approach until you are in a better state of mind. If you need to leave a group, get a drink or pretend to run an errand than so be it.

Find a self coda, which is a series of words that focus your mind, eliminate negative thoughts and put a confident smile on your face. It may be something like "yes you can" or "I'm the man". Whatever works for you. Repeat it when you need a boost. These things really work!

There are many other simple techniques to develop a more confident exterior. It doesn't matter if you are really confident or just putting on a face. Having the confidence to approach a woman is half the battle. It really is the secret for how to attract women and how to get a hot girl.

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that happy men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit