Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to Approach a Woman - Increase Your Chances of Successfully Meeting Girls

Knowing how to approach a woman seems so obvious; you just walk up and start talking. Of course it is more complicated than that. Wondering if she likes you, hoping you won't make a fool of yourself, there really is no more nerve racking part of dating than making that very first move when you've spotted her across the room.

There are some things to remember before you give up completely. These tips will massively increase your chances of success and there are lots more techniques available in the links below.

First of all, pick your time. Make sure she looks receptive, hopefully she's smiling. If she's just got off the phone, having lost her job and found out her grandmother has passed away then it won't make the slightest bit off difference whatever you do. She won't be interested.

Try and make your move when she's not in a big group, that way you will be approaching just her and not a bunch of her intimidating friends. People act a lot different when they are alone and not trying to show off to anyone. She may be a lot more responsive by herself.

Try to make eye contact before you walk up to her. This is for a couple of reasons, if she holds your eye contact, smiles or looks away and then looks back these are all great signs that she's interested in you too. You'll also give her some warning that you're approaching. You definitely don't want to be that creepy guy who sneaks up out of nowhere, she'll turn you down on instinct alone.

Make sure your personal hygiene is top notch. First impressions make a huge difference, so if your smell precedes you than you probably don't have much hope. You have your own look so no appearance advice but no-one like sweaty or dirty people.

If you've taken care of all the rest of these tips, then all that remains is to take a deep breath, pull your shoulders back and walk on up. She's probably just as nervous as you are so don't be too worried. Even if she's not into you the vast majority of people are polite and won't want to make a scene so the worst that can happen is she'll say no, there's plenty of other fish in the sea.

But if you follow these tips and all the others in the attached links then things have a very good chance of going well. Once you get over the initial fear of not knowing how to approach a woman you find it's not that bad at all and now you know how to attract girls

You don't have to miss out on dates anymore. You can learn the techniques that happy men use every day. For the best flirting, pickup and dating system I've ever seen click here or visit

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