How to Attract Girls - What's the Number 1 Trait That Gets the Most Women?
By Steven N Miller
There are guys that seem to have a magic trick. Somehow, despite seemingly having nothing special they know the secret for how to attract girls. We all know them and wonder what they do that makes all the difference. If you watch them for a while, or ask women afterward what their difference is, one word is always repeated, again and again. Confidence.
It takes self assurance to go up to the girl initially and get the conversation going. It takes belief to tell that joke and get her laughing. It takes conviction to ask for her number after just a few minutes of flirting.
So is it possible to learn or develop the trait that is the most important part of meeting women, establishing good relationships with them and eventually closing the deal?
Thankfully yes. Many of the most poised guys you see effortlessly chatting to beautiful ladies were just as tongue tied and awkward as you are. There are a couple of ways you can develop confidence and they managed to discover them, whether they stumbled upon them for them selves or were taught.
It may take some balls to get things rolling though. At some point you just have to suck it up and go for it. Practice positive thinking. If you are convinced something is going to work, whether it is a long jump shot, a new job or approaching that cute girl who's just given you a second glance and a smile then you are starting with a much better chance.
Avoid negative people especially when around the lady you like. There may be teasing or unhelpful comments and these can put you in a bad mood. Delay your approach until you are in a better state of mind. If you need to leave a group, get a drink or pretend to run an errand than so be it.
Find a self coda, which is a series of words that focus your mind, eliminate negative thoughts and put a confident smile on your face. It may be something like "yes you can" or "I'm the man". Whatever works for you. Repeat it when you need a boost. These things really work!
There are many other simple techniques to develop a more confident exterior. It doesn't matter if you are really confident or just putting on a face. Having the confidence to approach a woman is half the battle. It really is the secret for how to attract women and how to get a hot girl.
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